Interactive Typologies
This project was made for an assignment to explore the creative side of Javascript with a challenge of incorporating an interactive aspect of the user with a cursor.
 Researched and iterated around a key interactive element relating to the desktop browser experience. The attempt was to create an abstract website that—not only deploys assigned interactive element of 'cursor'—but finds its ontological centre in the element itself.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Visual Studio Code 
Deep city: Climate Crisis, Democracy and the Digital
This project is a website created in my creative lens to recreate the design as an assignment. 
HTM, CSS, JavaScript
Data Rivers, Streams, and Creeks
Using a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Application Programming Interface (API), constructed a simple web-based experience based on a query of choice from an external JSON feed. The website dynamically gathers information from an external source—NewsAPI (via (Links to an external site.))
Generative Drawing 
Experimented the ability of Javascript in creating drawings from lines and a specific colour palette. 
HTML, CSS, Javascript
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